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In the immediate Post War period, the Austin Motor Company set to work to design a child`s pedal car. The result, based on the Austin Eight was the Joy 1, and was followed by a second pedal car based on the Austin Seven Special. This was soon joined by the J40, based on the A40 Devon. All were made at the new Austin owned factory in South Wales, which employed men who could no longer work down the pits because of pneumoconiosis.

The Pathfinder Special Racing Car Pedal Car

Austin Pathfinder Pedal Car white.JPG (34578 bytes)                                  Austin Pathfinder Pedal Car Red.JPG (36004 bytes)

Various colours available         £25.00 each

The Joy 1 Pedal Car

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Various Colours Available.       £25.00 each

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The J40 Pedal Car


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Various Colours Available       £25.00 each

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